I'm an illustrator, animator, and graphic designer.

Leigh McG @Leigh

Age 36, Male

Full Sail University


Joined on 7/16/02

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I forgot to visit NG on Pico Day so I'll have to troll through the collection and see what everyone's been cranking out. I really love the logo and skin by Ephyse, the style is great.

I've been redrawing some old Lobster Quest characters so I can include them in a video demo of the action/battle sequences for the pitch. Without getting too deep into it, the game would have some RPG elements, including a sort of party system where different characters have special abilities during battle. These two girls join your party in the second act, a clam and a starfish. I'm trying not to write another mile long ulillillia style post so I won't bother getting into their names or story lines.

Anyway recent ideas I've had about this: The clam tosses bombs, so that's your ranged attack. You could toss bombs by circling an enemy with your finger and then swiping diagonally, sort of like drawing a bomb, and then each consecutive swipe would throw bombs at the same target. You could gain different bomb types and add them to your inventory later. For instance, oxygen bombs, which would explode into bubbles and scrub the oil off of mutants (more on them in a second) leaving them as crumbling skeletons and getting you an instant kill. However they'd be ineffective towards guards and other enemies.

The starfish is your melee and healing character. She carries a monkey wrench, which she whacks enemies with in a spastic barrage. Since she's a starfish she can regenerate, and heal your party by hitting them with her wrench. This would probably drain a resource, like 'regen', which would either recharge or be restocked through items.

Then of course Erk is your main character, and fires his uzi at enemies when you tap them with one finger. So, the lobster is your light primary attack, the clam is your heavy secondary attack, and the starfish is your defense.

Okay so, the oil mutants. They're a huge part of the story. The game takes place in an underwater city built by sea creatures around the base of an abandoned oil rig, and the oil seeping out of it is being refined. Basically, it's discovered that although the oil can be used to power machinery, it also transforms sea creatures into sludge dripping undead mutants when it engulfs them.

And that's what you see in the image below. I'm still working on the starfish's character design. I'm not sure about it. I'm okay with her being a little androgynous, she's supposed to be a little bit like Edward from Cowboy Bebop. But I'm concerned that her silhouette is just too complicated. She still looks awkward to me. I may need to just sit down and draw a turn-around of her to figure out her shape.

To be honest I probably should be working more generally and sketching out environments and locations, but this is just what I've been noodling with in my spare time.

Yep. Seeya.

LQ: Clam, Starfish, Oil Mutants

Recent Game Medals

3,500 Points

A whole new world 5 Points

Enter the flash portal

Look mommy, I'm death!! 5 Points

Fail to get at least 1.000 points

Jump on 10 enemies 5 Points

Jump on 10 enemies

First kill 5 Points

first Kill

Learn to fly 5 Points

Evolve the vertical movement mutation

Wavey 5 Points

Beat the game on the first difficulty setting.

Beginning Combo 5 Points

25 faic combo

Thank God! 5 Points

Unlock health power-up

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Galaxy 25 Points

Collect 100 stars in a single flight.